Goodbye 2011!

My son’s favorite place on Earth is the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, so it seemed like a very fitting place to spend the last day of 2011. Turned out to be another one of those beautiful California days that I am always thankful for. Here is a bit of what we saw and did…

Save, Spend, Give

One of the things that somehow fell off of my “to do” list last year was some kind of allowance system for my son. So this morning, using mason jars I had intended to use for food storage, I painted the tops of my jars with chalkboard paint and created a little banking system. Figure we’ll start the week with points that he can add to (or get taken away for bad behavior) and at the end of each week we will put 10% in the save jar, 10% in the give jar and the rest can be either spent or saved for something bigger.


His Eye is on the Sparrow...

When I started going to therapy for my social anxiety one of my goals was to get back to church. It has been just about a year now and I’ve been to church almost every Sunday, give or take a few when I was in one of my backslides. Church has become a type of therapy for me and I have received more strength and courage from it than I ever expected. All that being said, every time I look at the photo of the sparrow from a couple of days ago it reminds me of that old hymn, “His Eye is on the Sparrow,” so I did a little update.